Cars & Trucks
Swivel Wheel Trailer Hitch Carrier Sale/Trade
$775 by bobcat821 in Stoutland, 4 days ago
I have a nice swivel wheel trailer or hitch carrier for sale. This is not like a normal trailer as you can't jack knife it as it stays straight in-line with the tow vehicle & the center wheel turns or swivels when turning or backing up. So if you don't know how to backup a trailer this would make it very easy. It has wedge floor & is 7ft wide at the front & tappers to 4 ft wide in rear & is 8 ft long. It was stored inside sense new till about a few months ago & it is in very good condition. It has a new 8 ply tire on it that is rated for 81 mph & I also have a spare wheel/tire for it as well. It can be towed behind RV's,Trucks & Suv's & can be double towed behind 5th wheel campers. I've hauled motorcycles,atvs,kayaks & riding mowers on it myself. It has a 3/4" treated pylwood floor & the lights work on it. It is rated for a 1,000lbs weight capacity & needs a 500lb rated receiver tow hitch.
Posted in: Cars & Trucks.
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